
the composition and framing is one of my favorite things about this show. this show is the closest show I’ve ever seen, in terms of plot, style, composition, cinematography, the score, everything in terms of my dream movie / tv show I would make, if I was ever in a position to do so.

you dont have to wait!!!! www.tvmuse.com brosif :)

what exactly warrants this iPhone X being $1000? Honestly, Apple is starting to piss me off by making things more and more RIDICULOUSLY Expensive.

ugh guys, i know this is stupid to complain about, but my comments are in Pending Approval Purgatory for so long now, like it literally takes all the fun out of coming here to post when the format sucks to much, comments take forever to approve, like, it’s really a shame. you’re gonna lose a shit ton of people if you

yeah man, it’s all corporate efficiency bullshit to make the top more money by literally squeezing the guys at the bottom as much as possible just get a tiny bit more productivity out of them at the expense of their well-being. do think that’s a realistic / comfortable / moral way to motivate humans and do business? i

I mean, you want me to sit here and research / copy and paste links of articles demonstrating my point that rich people take advantage of poor people? Really? See the recent Republican push to roll back Obamacare / cutting of DACA / every other policy EVER. See companies like Amazon, Walmart, MCdonalds, etc. lobbying

i really don’t know how to engage with you, because you’re talking about a lot of shit that isn’t really related, and you’re asking me subjective questions, “Why, if You have money, would you fuck over poor people?”, like I don’t know, maybe because they’re sociopaths? maybe because we all rationalize our existence

ughhhhhh i can’t wait for this

rich is when you have the financial means to continue living without having to work. aka, the investor class. the national median income is what $50,000? Poor, I would say is below that number. If you have a family. Obviously, it’s all relative. I make $20,000 as a single adult in NYC, that is poor. $20,000 as a

I mean, all that’s great. pay your workers a living wage, that’s all i ask for. I’m glad the cushy number crunchers get high salaries, but perhaps the bottom run employees should be paid a living wage. that’ is the biggest problem in our country. all about motivation for those that work harder, but people need

my dad was a mailman. he was lucky enough to get in 35 years ago when it was a GOOD JOB. meaning, pension, GREAT federal health insurance for my family, etc. literally 5 years later, those pensions were cut. Now, the post office only hires part time, pays shitty shitty wages, and heres the kicker: Now, mailmen

aren’t they already building a warehouse full of low paid laboring jobs in Staten Island? pretty sure that’s as close to hell as you can get

thank you. i read comments of people trying to act like we should just “be so grateful of them!” and i feel like i’m taking fucking crazy pills.

can I hug you? while crying?

i mean, i agree, but seriously, what the fuck can any of us do? with trump, with the news stories of the past year, I feel so absolutely and incredibly powerless. and I am! because I don’t have MONEY and the only thing that matters anymore, is if you have MONEY. you have NO VALUE AS A HUMAN BEING IN AMERICA unless you

i have rewatched this show, a couple times, because it’s one of my all-time favorites, and i have to say, season 6 is actually pretty fucking hilarious, albeit the humor gets slightly more painful to watch, but its in line with the story and character progression overall, it really is, but with such a drop-off from

hahaha. bad fucking day and i need that hearty laugh, thank you

i mean honest to fucking god, liberals deserve trump when they freak out about Bill Maher

dude, “strongly urge me to examine myself” ? i’m sensing some major projection there, not to mention rage, not to mention you didn’t even accurately read what I wrote, and whatever the fuck you said REAKS of you having some personal issues to deal with. but I’ll be damned if I further try to explain myself / try to

i really REALLY hate this new format. i can’t even use it, its not fun, its not enjoyable, and as a result, I’m literally going to other websites to read my reviews for the tv shows I love. why did you do this