
When you've had the kind of drought the Skins have had, there comes a time that even your Cousins start to look pretty good.

Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...

Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?

I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before!

The blues entire standard show is performed below 10000 ft msl, the altitude above which NATOPS says oxygen masks must be worn in unpressurized aircraft.

... I had to double check where you said you were from since you weren’t using freedom units to measure temperature.

Pro tip, if people are recording you with their phones, you are probably doing something stupid.

Miata on skinny snow tires always gets me a bunch of looks, especially when I'm top down and bundled up just for the hell of it. Handles it as well as anything I've ever owned as long as the snow is low enough that the bumper doesn't turn into a plow.