
If they are successful creating “fetal rights” we are in a very bad place. What next? Jailing women who miscarry?

Depends on the state.

Of course, if she *had* had the baby, but didn’t want it and gave it to him, he would sue her for palimony...


OR get them from Canada for way less than in the US.

You know, if I remember correctly, the Irish were not welcome here in the US when emigrating in the early 1900s. Same with Italians.

*and my mom*

To be (un)fair, he does put his own last name on everything, and it is his “brand” name... he must think everyone does this....

And nobody brought up the fact that the facilities are kept at a very cold temperature.

Generics are unreliable and regardless of what they say, are NOT the same as brand name. Yes, they have the same ingredients - and are considered “biologically similar”, but i have had too many awful experiences with generics vs brand to believe that they are so similar.

Don’t forget privatized jails and healthcare providers to those jails that only has eyes for profit and the bottom lie.

I am sure the city of Boulder will commend them on their bravery and restraint in such trying circumstances.  /s

Got it. And thanks. Even when I had “good” insurance I still had to buy some of the meds from Canada due to insurance refusing to give me brand name, even though I have a 20 year history of generics not being effective for me (which would eventually cost much more for them as it would have led to a hospitalization).

Legit question - Do you currently have insurance that you pay for out of your paycheck? If so, you are saying a 2.2% increase in taxes is equal to what you pay now? What about meds, doctor visits, etc?

Nah. Law enforcement is on their side.

It better be televised!!!

Unless of course, Cohen was lying for him. THEN he was being truthful.

I think that there will be a stack of indictments waiting for him at the end of his “presidency” - if he lasts to the end. He’s not riding off into anything but an orange jumpsuit.

I believe he did. He got some sort of immunity in NY IIRC.

Little fish are bait for larger fish...