
I am pretty sure that if SCOUTUS’s “narrow” decision had not gone the way it did, they would not have felt that they could choose to not serve them.

They are implying that MS-13 members are posing as parents seeking asylum (with child actors) in order to get into the country.

The owners of Zara have a history of being anti Semitic

She was getting her IDGAF upgrade installed

perhaps is very very cold on the plane???/S

Basically, they screwed the farmers, cut Medicare/Medicaid, dipped into Social Security

Me too. And “shut the fuck up, you fucker”!

And “tremendous”. My mother used it the other day and I died a little bit on the inside. *sadly, she’s a Trumpster*


starred for Stephen King reference

Such a hipster!


He is such a toddler! Everything is everything “unfair”.

Exactly. So far there have been NO repercussions for anything this fuckwad does.

I find it VERY interesting that in his denial of sexually abusing her, he did not mention the blacklisting.... So, you DID do that Chris??

He thinks he’s being funny when he picks on people, but 99% of the time he’s just being an asshat. I stopped listening a while ago to Nerdist posdcasts, but not for any specific reason. I just stopped one day.

Yes... But not for now they are both healthy. My brother’s partner has been dealing with four (FOUR!!) deaths on his side of the family and their estates, and it has been difficult to say the least.

Right, she thought she was JEWISH. So, it’s like, totally OK.

Most likely, it is to “protect women” from themselves (in their minds).