Exactly. Every. Single. Place.
Exactly. Every. Single. Place.
The wolves wore Ws carved into their foreheads. That’s pretty telling about what group they are in.
I am a bit disturbed by her fixation of kicking Dad’s butt.... She had the look of a predator looking at prey!
There’s a great Nerdist podcast of him. I found it endearing and interesting.
Pretty sure she has or is in menopause, so not a relevant point for the MRAs
My mom
It was actually quite funny. She is a quick witted lady.
Why do all of the instagram and twitter posts only show the top half?
Ah yes! The green lady. I see her all over the fashion district in NYC.. Hard to miss her, lol!
Perhaps this is KANYE’s chance! He can step right in and use his “genius” to help Lanvin’s reboot!! S/!!!
Well, I am vegeterian, and for a few years vegan. I NEVER altered my pets’ food to my diet. That would be torture!
why not both??
Oh wow. I didn’t know the rapture part.
Yes, this is true - but I just wanted to point out that there is sugar in milk....
YUP!!!!! Hi Twin!
Isn’t lactose a sugar? Almost all things that end with -ose are sugar/derivitives.
My birthday is the 16th of August too!!!