
I feel like edibles are more potent. We used to make pot brownies in college and they were crazy strong. Half a brownie and you were one with the couch.

This reminds me of some horrible film we were forced to watch in elementary school about a girl that takes PCP (I think... it was the 80’s) and jumps off of a building...

Maybe he meant “pacemaker”? He has a pacemaker?

Yeah, but you pay us $.77 to the dollar in comparison to men. SO, if you had more male workers, you would be paying them MORE anyway.

How is that? Usually when you go out on pregnancy leave, it’s like you go out on disability. You get a smaller amount from your pay/salary.

HR works for the company. They follow company procedure and culture. Their job is not really to protect the workers, but the company that pays their checks. If you make too much noise about something you perceive to be amiss, HR will probably help the company find a way to either push you out or outright fire you.

If someone wants to die, they will not struggle. They are cutting off their oxygen and blood supply. This will cause passing out pretty quickly. I doubt anyone heard anything if she hanged herself.

But... but, their child is a SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE!!!2!!1

My father is MASTER of The Look. We call it “the look of Chuck” (his name being Charles/Chuck).

Maybe she has a really small grill that can only make one or two things at a time, and that particular ticket was not first in line. AND by making all three, it put the rest of the orders behind?

Thanks! It was inspired by:

I use adblocker plus (I have a mac) and NEVER see the ads.

I totally agree... but her call out to them was mentioning a certain type of woman being nominated, and that certain type really only applies to TS.

True, but do you think she meant Beyonce? The only other woman nominated? I don’t.

His line was “party like it’s 1999”. Not 1989.

And much of their “ideas” come from what is going on in clubs or are just out in the world but not seen by everyone. Madonna did this with vogueing. She was/is great at appropriating ideas/dances/style from clubs and what people are doing.

She pretty much also lifted the title of the article word for word from the Daily Mail.

Wasn’t the deposition available all along? It was just recently found and splashed on the internet? I thought I read somewhere that it was.....

Sounds good to me! I approve!

There are more ways than one to hang oneself. I believe you can use a door knob if you really are determined...