
Nope. Was like that in the old days too. And quite a few of the high end line bags are also made in China. Also, lots of times, even if it says “made in italy”, it was mostly made in China and then shipped to Italy to be finished, hence the ability to put that label in.

Oh, and one more thing... those factories in

The thing is, the idea of wealth that they are trying to portray betrays their lack of it.

Ahhhh! Baby face!!!

Me too!

Well, when he would come to Bikram, it was between jobs? He had long-ish hair... He was cute...very cute. I had no idea who he was... I only heard her call his first name - Lee in class. So it took me a while to put the two together.

Oh, believe me... it did NOT stop her from being all giggly.. We went to see Breaking Dawn (I think it was that one.. whichever was the last in the series) at the theater and she literally gasped out loud and shouted “THAT’S LEE!!!!) out loud. I shushhhhed her twice she was so excited to see him on screen! But it was

It’s not like she’s sending the stories to him... is she?

perhaps he can write about Michael Douglas’ large dick? He’s been talking about it quite a bit recently...

He’s gay. He used to go to my yoga studio in manhattan and my friend/the teacher had the biggest crush on him! I had to tell her.... Poor girl.

Um... Yes, our equipment.

And fund ISIS....

Last time we “did something”, we pretty much created ISIS... And Al-Queda.....

Honest question - pls don’t bash....

tbh though, I doubt Kylie Jenner is capable of such thoughts - let alone the ability to see the error of her post and apologize for it.

Nah. She is ENTIRELY uneducated. She and Kendull dropped out of school, and were supposedly being homeschooled. But I honestly doubt that. And she seems incapable of understanding the impact of her actions.

nope. gen x started in the 60s. My brother is gen x, and i am at the tail end being born in the early 70s

It also kind of sounds like it is saying “i have a dick” too...

Um... obviously.

Nope. My parents are MUCH more conservative and biggoted than they used to be. BUT I also think that this has to do with the way the world is today versus how it was when they were my age. Totally different in regards to minorities/gays/trans/etc front and center as opposed to being pushed to the back or outright