
there is some serious airbrushing/photoshop going on in that picture!

But what about Barbara Streisand??

Yes. That is exactly what you should do. Wrap it up and throw it out. It may not be better for the environment, but it is better than contributing to a fatberg.

China has these as well....

HA! We be rokin’ a’it!

Excellent! I will go get one (a tux, that is... already have the ‘tude!)

I would like to apply to work for you. For realz!

Don’t knock on someone’s door asking for help at night.

Yup. Totally legit reasoning dude.

I agree that this is unnecessary and demeaning. What about Rudin’s amazon orders? Why is he still employed?

Is this a state by state law or is it in all states? I have never heard of it

REALLY??? I have a friend who would have greatly benefited from that info!

WITHOUT a receipt

NOOOOO! NOT the Swinton!

Nor did she apologize to the actual person who she was an ass to...

I'm thinking that the entire thing is covered with leather...tip and all.

He’s probably a moderator on 4chan... or Reddit... for the MRA chats

or “Vote Hillary; The Lesser Evil”**