Fuck Squid

I dont know. Someone upthread (or downthread?) linked to another account where the same situation played out. I am really grossed out at the icky display of emotional manipulation and, what seems to me, using mental illness as a way to excuse heinous behavior. It doesn’t make me mad it makes me sad.

I thought I read Jez a lot, including the comments, but I missed a lot of threads where all this went down. I’m kinda shocked - had no idea this lunacy went on.

I am seconding this. That was fucked up level of emotional hostage-ing. And it was so early in the goddamn morning.

He will be back:

He used to have an account under the name, Arken, which he changed to Blooooo. He will be back. Check out these comments, it’s so obviously him.

You’re a terrible person. And most likely a stalker. And a bully. And mean. I hope you stub your toe.

You did nothing wrong and I am totally behind you. Good job.

He doxxed himself. He put his own personally-identifying information on his kinja account: his real name, “business” name, link to his tumblr account (listing his name) which links to his “business” site (listing his name and where he lives)... all while having a fully public facebook profile providing names and

See you tomorrow!

That’s not exactly the complete narrative of this mess, but whatever you need to tell yourself to continue this martyr complex thing you have going on...

It is just so hypocritical that people on the left absolutely RAILED against doxxing when a fair m’lady has been the victim. But when it is a dude, you all are just like “meh, should’ve been more careful.” Say what you want about we on the right. The left is EASILY just as bad. Probably worse, because the


Tell him: