why are you defending scum

those include sham religious charities 

This seems like a personal blog and linking to your own twitter is laughable and lame

Sanders won POC under 30.

Enjoy Trump. you deserve him I hear Sessions is great for POC

You truly are a fucking retard. She stopped in Michigan ONCE

Now playing

The democrate party that defends pay day lenders and votes against cheaper medication. enjoy your shitty republican lite party u maggot fuck. Clinton was and is a shit bag who lost the election because she was horrible

She is racist and i would be okay with her being beat the fuck to death. Why are you defending a racist fuckstain

She is racist and i would be okay with her being beat the fuck to death. Why are you defending a racist fuckstain

She is racist and i would be okay with her being beat the fuck to death. Why are you defending a racist fuckstain