
For sure. Sagging pants are way better. What better way to show your maturity than to walk around with your ass hanging out?


Oh look, someone attacking white people on Deadspin of all places. How original!!! Fuck those white people and their innovating/tax paying ways. Screw them!

Two things:

Sex with two guys??? Of course Tom Ley picks up on this story.

Ask Tom Ley, he’s been arrested for tickling kids several times.

What’s with black athletes and the devil’s threesome?

Nope. The rich white oppressor made her evil.

Yep. White men are pure evil.

In the same situation a man should be executed but a woman should be exonerated.

Dead white guy is good by me. No guilt here.

Let’s be honest here, Kara Brown loves racism. The last thing Kara Brown ever wants is a race blind society. Without racism, she is nothing. Absolutely nothing. She has no talent. She can’t drive clicks without race baiting and frankly, she looks like she was made out of Playdo.

Jezebel can’t get clicks without race baiting

Can’t fire blacks anymore.

Look at all the emasculated hipsters falling all over each other to hate the white basketball player. How original and brave.

Deadspin is very selective in their support of the rich.

Tom Ley’s interview at Deadspin:

So the official stance of Deadspin is Chip Kelly is the evil white man and must be destroyed?

Racist article Tim

It’s almost like he has no talent and relies on race baiting for relevancy.