Atlas shrugged.
Atlas shrugged.
That price is a little high, but I think this car is the Rio deal. Guess we’ll just have to wait and cee’d.
“The last Optima I drove—again, a fine machine, and one I liked better than I thought I would!—was close to $40,000, loaded”
Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.
I’m probably going to get flamed to death here, but what are the odds that these will not be total crap? I tried to talk myself into a Jeep SUV as a replacement for my Dieselgate Golf, but I just couldn’t do it. Everything newer than the WJ just seems to be cheap garbage. It’s like Chrysler gave up on quality control.
Innovation that excites exists.
I don’t know, I have to replace the carpet in my home a lot more frequently than the hardwood floors. Maybe wood, a little area rug, and a little coffee table to replace the dead pedal for your left foot?
If Nissan can translate that into production well, they might actually have an attractive car in their lineup.
If I’m being honest, I periodically forget that Nissan exists.
Other sites have gotten a lot more detailed on the actual changes. This is from Autoblog.
Pretty much every Toyota engine is underrated. The UZ series is capable of maintaining 500+ horsepower.
Yes. That sounds fun and sexy.
The CX3 is a great looking car. Too bad I literally could not fit in one.
That rear end looks sweet. I can see this car with a TRD quad exhuast and TRD lowering suspension. This is the best camry yet.
Lol, can’t unsee!
Looks like the Lexus grille wearing a bicycle helmet.
The Mazda 6 looks pretty good, and so does the new Micra