BEAT, me to it.
You liberal faggots are pathetic as fuck!! keep crying!! anything else you want to be wrong on? Are you upset that Faggot Obama could not make any deal? The more you cry about this, the more everyone wins. ! Suck a chode you loser.
This is awesome app , thanx Patrick.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? This VPN was caught handing information to the FBI and also is based off CHINA and has LIED about not keeping LOGS when it does!! .. Don’t advertise this garbage for profit!!
WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? This VPN was caught handing information to the FBI and also is based off CHINA and has LIED…
I tried this before, and depending on the Stations it might be the other bottoms below it.
We get it, you wanted baby killer Hillary to win, Obama Care is garbage.
Anyone who agrees to kill baby for the lack of been stupid not wanting to use a condom or just does not care to kill a baby is a sick piece of shit.
She should be fired.
Good read, What should we replace Columbus day with?
Strong magnets needed.
Great article.
In other words you have nothing to reply so you sink like a common bitch. Thanx : )
And your’e a dumb ass. Killing baby’s is wrong what kind a dumb fuck supports this crap? I’m excluding rape, inbred and dangerous pregnancy those are valid reasons.
In cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%, About 98.3% of abortions in the United States are elective. If i had to give a pass then the first 3 are Valid reason. the 98.3% is NOT a valid reason its called murder.
How simple is to close your legs or to use protection? Simple. End of story. Stop arguing with logic and making excuses for killing babys everything else is just garbage lies to defend the baby killers.
Dear Moron, Taxpayers fund states and states fun Abortion clinics. How stupid are you people? Follow the money idiot.
Tell your government to stop funding baby killing clinics and seek your abortion in your own home with your own tools and don’t let the tax payers pay a single dime on morons who cannot put on a condom or use birth control something clearly that failed you : ) You want the government out of this then stop seeking…
It’s a baby, fuck off baby killer.