Fuck Liberals

First world Problems for Entitled liberals. Just think of the outrage if these people came after Obama because Obama was such a horrible president.? 

We shit all over liberals because you pussies cry over everything . Get the fuck over it. 95% of the world does not care about Gay life. Do what you want how you want, just don’t shove it in anyone’s face who does not support your views.

Karma? You fucking moron, Congress man was not a Trump Supporter he was a Bernie supporter. Typical Liberal jack ass.

Typical liberal piece of shit.

Had no idea that Saudi supported isis.. ... Just stop it all ready. Obama was a piece of shit for president. Donald Trump is making this country amazing. Liberal pussies are destroying it.

Hey retard, have you notice that Iran never stopped threatening
 us, Israel and supports terrorist groups? Tell me how this is a good deal?

I’m sorry for you.

Why would there be? Obama made a horrible deal with IRAN . This is not an opinion but a FACT.

That does not change the Hypocrisy that Pussy Obama was.

Vehicle Virgins PORKER made me hate the Gallardo.

Can i get it in Automatic?

Obama was Garbage. Trump is the best president. You liberals trash are so blinded by your own hate.

Thanks Liberal Trash.

IDK you tell me internet therapist. Tell me more please : )

Even if i agree with you. Obama still a Hypocrite and was a horrible president.

Do you know a snowflake that can refer me to one ?

I just emailed them and told them i want to purchase cash, only if they let me test drive. I will let you know if they agree.

Cool story : )

From Fake News? LMFAO!! Yea... no.