Do Lady Bugs eat plant Lice? Those white stuff underneath leafs?
But not from a Tranny mate!
The first time i ever saw this clipped used was 2 girls one cup. (that music you never forget)
What if its a Tranny and all it has to offer is ass? what will you do mate!! What will you doooooo?
What is the cost a month?
“heartbreaking” ..... that he got exposed.
Uber is turning out to be one of the most shadiest Companies in history. They keep getting caught collecting so much user data its out of control.
So they are garbage?
So they are garbage?
Been using Keepass for a while and glad that i’m still using it.
I been using Keepass for ever know and i don’t know if its worth the jump. Storing all that data on the cloud : (
I like it! Where can i get one?
Has anyone updated the tools to stop windows Creative Update from Key Logging and Disable cortana and all the other garbage collecting apps?
Don’t forget to use Extension to help your privacy and DuckDuckGo for searching.
And your’e a Fucking Moron, dip shit.
What will Hennessy do to now?
Overwatch has to be the most over-hyped game in history, No Man Sky deserves better than this.
Everyone hates you. Good.