Can hear them Turbos towards the end of the video.
Can hear them Turbos towards the end of the video.
Facebook is selling your data hard and Google. Even if you opt out its always good install browsing extensions that prevent target advertising and data collecting.
What kind of things have you replaced ? Or if that?
HOW DARE you FORCE me to pick up you and use you!
Well that sucks. Any updates lifehacker on this ?
Whats worse is the apologist for Nintendo they just cannot accept it will be another failure . Seriously 900P at 30fps?
what kind of camera are you using?
I remember this contest. It was in the 90's and it was based on Who shot Mr. Burns. All i can remember is swimming in the summer and thinking it has to be Maggie because she is the least suspect. And i should have mailed it : ( but i was a kid ,I regret it the rest of my life i would have one the Simpson house and…
I have a question for Yall. I have a Amazon Store Card. This is different from a CC that you can use anywhere. I did this to keep me in line and i use it once in a while and typical pay it off with thin the first month its due or no more than the second one. I have never ever been late in any of my CC ever. The only…
What’s with the Naming scheme?
because its FAKE! This has been debunked all ready.
That’s a good looking “NASSAN”. I Hope they really make this NASSAN.
That looks like pretty much the same car. If you Photoshop the headlights and side mirror. in then its pretty much on “Fleek” .
No, only assholes.
But i have a missing foot :( will you make fun of a cripple bloke?
I’m sure he meant reliable as well. Not a hunk of feces .
YAYYYY!!!! Let the hate come to me!! Because i drive and automatic !
Hmmm.... This or 2017 CX-5, we will see.