Moto 360 #2 on its way!
Moto 360 #2 on its way!
Moto 360 #2 on its way!
Moto 360 #2 on its way!
V-Tach Braw~!
Where not even considered a type 1 Civilization, We cannot control are weather yet and have at least 50+ years before we can be Classified as Type 1.
This is Great news!! That song was beyond annoying and Pharrell has the worst music ever.
Hornblasters is awesome lol.
Explain please : ) ?
Can confirm. This is Legit, only rich people could afford wood garage floor's.
Dat Ass....
New Titan "Now with Negative -4MPG "
V1 Radar?
I am Royalty : ) I hope you are one too in your state!
Man but those reviews on Amazon.... : (
Man but those reviews on Amazon.... : (
Ok? What are the benefits of this over Google Hangouts?
I would break your jaw for driving like a idiot.
Pffff , what a sucker i would pay $50,000 cash for that sweet ride!
All the Mitt Romney dick suckers are crying them self to sleep .