joe the doctor

The printer was out of color ink so it just printed all white!

He also is anti choice, homophobic, sexist and racist and entitled. He has a “I got mine so fuck you” attitude. These are the reasons Libertarians are 90% straight middle age white males

she’s one nasty bitch

You truly are a dumb one, aren’t you?

Hillary Clinton:

Not for Sanders. He talks the talk AND walks the walk.

History? She won by fraud. 6 coin flips and had 10k less total votes than Sanders. Sure she won. /s

She won by fraud. Fucking coin flips. They wont release the voting totals cuz Bernie won by over 10k peopl

Clinton is evil and is just a republican by another name

here is a response to you for supporting a human shit stain

Clinton supports racist policies and always has. go ahead and for the racist white woman though. Enjoy taking your black ass to jail

Fuck you for supporting her. She is just another republican

Shes just a republican by another name

If you vote for the racist white man, sure. Enjoy being sent to private prisons tho

fuck you

Hope you enjoy voting for a shitbag

Fuckstains like you just vote for her because she is a woman

wall st reform lol