
I thought the movie was awesome, but im a nerd who loves Tolkien and bearded loud short dudes. Oh mah gaad hawt!

yeah but the trusth comes out much faster than before aswell. Theres two sides to that coin and you may disagree but it just looks like its harder for people to bullshit eachother and i just think thats a good thing.

Im not shaming. Im generalizing. Most people bang. That better?

yeah i know how it sounds. Its a shitty quote. It sounds like i was victim blaming and i really didnt mean to do that. Society sucks with this stuff...now but internet-wise i think it wont later. But its not later, its now.

when i was 12 i NEVER would have thought half the shit thats par for the course online would ever become a thing. The status updates the rating the chat roulette and banal blogging or tweeting. But here we are. Privacy is just becoming less and less wide of a net. Privacy used to be a mansion, now its a broom closet.

I know what you mean, its not womens fault men are horrible about this sort of thing. Im just saying i hate the fact that its ammo in the first place.

It just sucks that fuck pics are something that can "ruin a reputation" Everybody bangs, and with the technology we have today its obviously going to be used in said banging. Dick pics, sex tapes, crotch shots, sexting, webcam diddling. That all stuff alot of people do and people seem to be having fun with it because

Laura Prepons dress is my favourite. I love flouncy goddess gowns.

I used to fix the tv and vcr for my dad, i figured that shit out when i was like 8. Now im my moms computer tech support. Your comment sounds like a whole lot of trolling. I think most people just know how to do at least basic upkeep and repairs with their tech junk because how can you not this day in age? Its

I guess i must have a big ol penis i havent found yet! (hmm weres that hand mirror)

So men like pre-op transexuals with bad dye jobs and women like elven looking fairy vampires. At least the men can actually go out and find pre-op transexuals with bad dye jobs. Elven fairy vampires only exist in online fanfiction, guess us lady loving ladies are gonna have to stick to the spank bank if we want the

Oh my god i had all of those! the huge pink star was my favourite! My big sister got it for her birthday one year, i was so jealous, id steal it and play with it when she was out and id pretend to be a giant and id chew on the little pollys and spit them back into the star and then my sister would come back in later

I dont think theres anything wrong with getting girls dolls, or even dolls that dress like little hoe bags, back in the 90s my barbies dressed like hoe bags too and i still just cut their hair off and put them in fuck positions and creeped out my mom.

Special K tastes good.

I like midgets.

Fuck dem haters that dudes a total cutie pie. I'd hit that yesterday. Lorde has taste.

I was the needy girl once, because i was 15, insecure , horny and 15, then i grew up and out of my teenage insecurities and kinda went the complete opposite route, its smooth sailing and i like the path but i sometimes think id have more normal and compatible relationships with people if i was a little closer to that

Oh yeah ive been dead for like 2 years.

Its so cute i wanna hug it so hard it turns into a diamond! Its so cute i wanna snort it like cocaine! i just want it to live in my face!

GAH that sucks for woods and her growler! The MPAA does this all the time when it comes to females enjoying sex on screen. They leave rape scenes in like theyre going out of style but happy girl sex is a real fuck no with that lot.