Fucking Kinja fucking up my shit again


I am the first to make snarky comments when people complain about remakes...

Wow. This is an especially bad meme, because the entire point of “Not today” is that death is an eventual certainty. You say “not today” instead of “never” because eventually everyone dies. Valar morghulis.

The concept of rights is meant to protect the individual from reasoning like ‘this sucks for her, but since it makes it better for everyone else, it’s ok.’

We would be talking about a biological advantage that it is literally against the rules for females to have or use

If you’re going to shrug it away like that, couldn’t you just as easily say that those thousands and thousands of other runners should just get better or deal with the fact that Semenya’s outstanding in the women’s 800, because life’s unfair?

Of course they’re not real. If they were real, we would see some sort of email address or be encouraged to write in questions to Salty.

“I shot him to eat him.  But then I discovered his pockets were filled with Skittles.”

Oh, I gotta know more about that.

I’m so glad she admitted that she doesn’t know anything and she hasn’t learned! She is correct because I don’t know what else explains her dogged support of Woody Allen! I also believe that should disqualify you from being in a serious relationship or parenting a child! Thank you for not having done those things!

Lol. You think a single insult is a rant? Thank you for confirming that you indeed are a fucking moron.

especially when she signed a reality television contract to try and get rich and famous and then when she won suddenly cared deeply about her artistic integrity? if you cared that much, don’t sign the contract and go back to singing coffee shops on open mic night

So you’ve diagnosed the many cultures of people around the world that wash chicken with OCD? That makes perfect sense. *insert eye roll here*

It’s not a ‘OCD mental thing’, it’s a ‘Clean the gunk off of the chicken before you cook it thing’.

Right... So the fact that it really isn’t blood changes the fact that it still needs to be cooked to the proper temperature and the stuff is still dangerous to consume if not? Because if it does then consider this my apology for calling it the wrong thing.

“I just don’t find it very cool that somebody makes you do something that is not your passion and you don’t want to do.”

I’m not sure what she’s accomplishing with this.

People wash their chicken?? 

Yeah, I never got the point to washing raw chicken so I’ve never done it. It doesn’t accomplish anything. My mom doesn’t either. Don’t remember if my grandma did

Given he's a streamer he's no doubt been making money in all those hours spent with this game. Seems like that makes those hours more fulfilling and more productive than any gaming you've done in the last five years.