So glad I don’t deal with Apple products.
So glad I don’t deal with Apple products.
Because symbols look better than words.
1) Now you are just being stupid. Damage to an item generally decreases it’s value.
2) Call it what you want it’s true. WHY ELSE EVEN BRING UP POINT #2? You are right, we don’t know for sure she could have made more, but it’s a reasonable possibility and asking a court to take a look at that doesn’t make her an asshole…
1) Rips and tears in an item universally reduce value. How significant that is can be determined at trial, but the idea that a rip lowered the value is a pretty standard position
2) There’s that jealousy. If she could have made more if it were not for the tear, she is entitled to that, even if the lower amount she got…
Me against the world? Are you stupid or something? Again, the facts agree with me, the world is on my side.
I’m also not he one hating on some woman because she has the audacity to think something she bought actually belongs to her. Like, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Other than your obvious projection…
when she should be ecstatic she made so much.
So clueless the judge in the case agrees with me.
Fuck off, you don’t have a logical argument for anything you are saying.
Oh I heard you, and you’re still wrong.
It was forfeited back to the government. At that point, it WAS in the world legally. It was sold, legally. It was not stolen goods when she bought it, nor was there any hint or indication that it would be contested later, she was buying the item FROM law enforcement. It’s not…
Their distance and ability to be integrated are irrelevant to what I said.
They still deserve knowledge.
Is this a joke? You think I’M the sad angry person?
YOU are the one shitting on some woman because I guess she lucked into some money? How terrible! LOL, how you come away with me as the angry, sad, jealous person here is a real mystery.
No, YOU sound like the jealous one here. And you’re a fucking idiot.
No, it’s not unreasonable to expect that something you bought legally at an auction from the government is actually your property, and low and behold, it IS her property. You must be the delusional brain dead one here to think otherwise.
This isn’t…
I really wish someone would make a carbonated water with nitro. Like LaCroix but with nitro. That carbon makes them all taste like ass.
What does any of that have to do with her being an asshole? None of that makes her one.
I’m sorry, did you think you offered anything more than insults yourself? You’ve offered nothing but worthless bullshit to this discussion, I don’t know why you even bothered if that’s the best you can do.
Lol, you were never “in” in the first place. You’ve offered nothing but a couple of statements and completely failed to offer any kind of actual argument or reasoning.
Because you’re the asshole.
All value is ultimately perception, genius.
And why the fuck would that make her an asshole? You still don’t make any fucking sense.
Correct. It’s their right to know. I’m also opposed to the idea that we need to leave primitive tribes alone and let them be primitive. They deserve access to modern medical tech, etc.
Your scenario is incorrect. The Federal government is considered one entity. My brother didn’t sell it, I did.
So no, she’s not an asshole for buying something the government decide to sell. Their oops is not her fault.
That’s been said genius, the point is, WHY does that make her an asshole. Because it doesn’t.
That’s not what happened. The government got their stolen property back. Then they turned around and sold off their own property. If I get back what you stole and then sell it, es, it does belong the the person I sold it to. The government wasn’t paying attention to what it had. That’s not her fault.