
I’m always dubious of these ‘finds’

Now that definitely doesn’t appeal to me, breaking up my experience because it’s too uncomfortable for long periods?

If that’s the best way VR can be utilized then I’m definitely not interested.

There’s a huge fucking difference to having a GENUINE dislike for injustice, but that’s NOT what SJW’s are, all they are is a mouth trumpet for their own agenda. They don’t give a fuck about other people as long as they get THIER issue out in to the open, as long as they get what THEY want.

I think you should stop reviewing and advertising games that sexualise children or child like images.

So the whole thing IS NOT actually 5% cash BACK, it’s works out to 5% off.

Fuck this show. What’s the point of claim it to be a particular thing when it’s something else entirely.

I want this all to escalate to the point that it makes the net useless.

See this is why I think people like you are useless braindead idiots.

It doesn’t matter how good it is, it’s not going to be significantly better than the battery life already available to us, we already know the average life of batteries considering the things we use them for and THERE IS NO WAY ON GOD’S EARTH that battery life, at our juncture, is in any way good enough for a

Quite the racist aren’t you Evan?

If Skyrim doesn’t appear on the ‘switch’ (another dumb name from the Big N) then their advertising is flat out lying, because that was Skyrim. If it doesn’t appear they are wide open to a law suit.

Oh, yeah, super.

It wouldn’t be devestating in the least for Apple, they’d just ‘leak’ info that it was a feature and all the customers would fall right in behind them repeating it like parrots, probably even boasting that their phones do something other’s don’t, the fact that’s making big burning holes in things wouldn’t matter to

That’s the point.

“If it can churn out 4K graphics on a little handheld monitor, the Switch should easily be able to handle a 4K television, which has a lower pixel density and actually requires less graphics oomph from a CPU and GPU.”

Why Feige so wrapped up in ‘sci-fi’ concepts for a movie about magic and a sorceror?

who’d buy them?

Quite right, it’s not anime.

When Wolverine goes no-one will give a fuck about x-23, she’s only popular because she’s part of the Wolverine mythos, she’ll never be able to replace the character in either popularity or sales.