Man Kinja murdered your commenting community. I’m genuinely curious if your traffic has went up or down since linking to the Gawker-verse.
Man Kinja murdered your commenting community. I’m genuinely curious if your traffic has went up or down since linking to the Gawker-verse.
With a name like Smelcer he had to be bad.
She’s gotta build up that war chest for her upcoming Presidential run. Swift 2024!
“what’s it all for?”
Soon you’ll be able to buy a cyber virtual Taylor Swift front yard. Retweet is you want to keep the kids off.
She isn’t selling out. She’s buying in . . . wait that isn’t it. What do you call it when you are the machine? She’s monolithizing.
Looks like someone hasn’t taken their Taylor Swift branded Lithium today. Come back once you’ve taken your dose. By then you’ll realize this isn’t corporate synergy but a totally new radical paradigm with a forward thinking take on fandom.
I know whenever I see someone die in a accident my first instinct is to toss them in a sub & sink it to the bottom of the nearest body of water.
“Great job Julie”
“As to the lesser charge your honor my client will plead guilty to the charge of having no sense of humor.“
Of course the first post on the new site is GJI
Classic WAGS.
One of my favorite Zergnet spam’s shows he has bigger fish to fry
Definitely the third best Bay Area punk band circa 1983.
Classic locker room talk.
You know . . . as on does.
Each guest will be asked the same question