
It's halftime and the living embodiment of mashed potatoes has played 3 minutes. K-Love for Wiggins looks worse each day.

I'm not a Hulk troll, I have what's known as a differing opinion on this matter which used to be considered normal but has somehow been reduced on Gawker to being a fascist. Websites that host revenge porn have been regularly sued and forced to remove said content. But by all means reduce everyone who thinks posting

It's a legitimately stupid thing to say because fiction as a whole is filled with things that couldn't happen, let alone the fantasy genre.

But the shows going to get finished either way. A totally valid reason to worry about starting to read the books though.

Is that defense they use in revenge porn trials: well you knew I filmed you...

This is really what it is, and I think Draper knows it but is conveniently glossing it over. In the system it's difficult for him to properly cultivate the skill set to be an alpha when he has zero chance of being that. He's signing elsewhere because the Dubs can't have him be their highest paid player. It's a gamble

So HBO couldn’t even hook them up with their own platform? It’s just Medium. God it looks awful.

Malcom Gladwell or Michael Lewis?

You realize you cannot “murder” a gorilla, no?

Hawt Take

Our annual reminder that K-Love was never a superstar.

This is the sort of simple analysis that doesn't say anything. You can live in parts of Western Mass on 30k a year and couldn't make it driving 20 miles east. Same with all of these states.

He didn't say compromise their integrity.

Let's not pretend AM isn't terrible. The lists are boiler plate and if it weren't for the strong comment section it would fall apart.

Longform is certainly still alive. It’s lost kick and screaming as 10,000 words grip it's throat to die, but puffy pieces need more puffiness. And words. Lots of them. Meaningless ones.

Rob doesn't bring much to the table in general, this was sort of an improvement.

Eh, sure this was historically bad for him, but he shrinks in the playoffs every year.

But they aren't even impressive words to use. It was a masturbatory piece in search of some genitals.

The good ol’ “we were in on the joke” excuse me while I wipe this egg off my face.

The politics is mostly centered on those two sites. Deadspin has Ley and commenters writing terrible, terrible puns. Gizmodo has its own culture wars. But Gawker and Jez focus enough on politics to have a dedicated troll like that.