But do their leaders continually rape little boys and cover it up?
But do their leaders continually rape little boys and cover it up?
Oh look, suddenly cops are to be trusted by Moonique! How convenient!
Why would we have to steal jobs if we far and away make up the highest % of high school and college grads?? Even Asians and Indians come here with far less and outpace you!
I guess that’s better than “overweight, fake weave, STD-having apegirl”.
Well, don’t see blacks or latinos doing much to outpace them financially or scholastically...anywhere.
Call me when blacks or Latinos are doing better ANYWHERE on this planet...I’ll wait.
It’s been almost 7 decades and you still don’t have your collective shit together, ANYWHERE actually. The most violent cities in this country are ALL because of one race...yours. And before you try the “poverty” card, realize that almost every single majority white poor area nationwide is FAR LESS VIOLENT compared to…
Your race is at the bottom in literally EVERY country on this planet. There isn’t a single successful black majority area ANYWHERE that isn’t crime-ridden regardless of income.
“Lack melanin”?? You do realize that Greeks and Italians are considered white and can be as dark if not darker than you dumbass.
At least it wasn’t 12 on 1 like EVERY black on white attack.
...and yet your black men leave you for them whenever given the chance.
Why would attending law school and passing the Bar Exam have anything to do with penis size? You do realize you can’t just “have connections/come from money” to pass the Bar right? It actually takes alot of hard work, so what exactly are they compensating for??
I just did and proved you the fuck wrong you dipshit! African slaves didn’t “teach them how to tend crops”, ONLY natives did because they grew entirely different crops in different soil in different climates dumbass! It’s not like whites were too stupid to learn how to garden, cook or work they just used your…
Jesus Christ that was brilliant!
Don’t you have some shucking and jiving to do?
A black boy walks into the kitchen where his mother is baking and accidentally pulls the flour over onto his head. He turns to his mother and says, “Look Mama, I’m a white boy!” His mother smacks him and says, “Go tell your Daddy what you just said!” The boy finds his father and says, “Look Daddy, I’m a white boy!”…
Still isn’t funny by any stretch.