I think you spelled “realists” wrong.
I think you spelled “realists” wrong.
You’re doing the Lord’s work, hahaha!!!
This site is almost a parody, much like The Onion. The only thing black people hate more than themselves, is other black people agreeing with whites even if it’s the truth!
Face the facts black America: every time us whites prop up your failing city/county/country/nation...you inevitably allow it to become a violent shithole. We’ve seen this FOREVER, look at every public housing development or Sect. 8 “affordable” communities, without fail they become rundown in a matter of months, with…
What tears? A fan of a team with 5 titles in 15 seasons...or 1 in their entire history?Ask Atlanta and Seattle how easy it was to get back to SBs, ManBaby.
Enjoy it, it will be a looong time before you sniff another, or that their coach has a brainfart like benching their best defensive player.
Typical, you destroy everything everywhere you go, that’s why everyone avoids you if at all possible.
Still haven’t learned your lesson I see...
One less feckless cunt.
What about the carcass of a bison?
Black tears...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Your story has become tiresome. That and your craving of cock.
You really love talking about dick-sucking, I bet you’re craving one right now sissyboy. Secondly, no one gives a fuck about semantics, toss they beaners back over the wall ASAP.
No one’s talking to you fuckboy, go make some sandwiches.
Pay attention tubby: the link I provided and the quote from said link prove my point exactly. Children were separated from their parents “using fear as a deterrent” (https://www.npr.org/2018/05/11/610116389/transcript-white-house-chief-of-staff-john-kellys-interview-with-npr)
Elbow or shoulder?
Was this your attempt at humor after getting schooled by me, dipshit? And what the fuck does “she should to suck” even mean? Maybe you should call yourself ‘nutintheface’.
Just the 13% maintaining their legacy.
Wait, you think this comes out of some special fund?? Your taxes are paying to support these ghetto lotteries, dumbass.
College...HAHAHAHA!!!!! Lowest rate of high school grads in this country...”college”!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!