That’s racist.
That’s racist.
That’s cute. You obviously don’t have a job. Why don’t you understand yourself back into the workforce.
You’ve just swallowed your whole argument and “people.” Fuck off.
How so? Just curious, sportsfan.
Where do you work? Just curious so I can get you fired.
I’m surprised Deadspin commenters haven’t found where you work and have you fired from your job and arrested. Fuck you, prick.
But you liberal fucks built his pedestal. Now you’re expecting it to be fire-retardant. Go fuck yourselves. Nate Silver is as fallible as we all are.
Good. Fuck Hillary Clinton. Cunt.
Must be a slow news day, mayor of Cocksucker. Go fuck yourself.
This is a fucking joke. Our nation is falling apart at the seams because the people at Gawker think they control the narrative. Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Yeah, lemme know when these sacks of shit stop posting mug shots ok? Thanks. I’ve been trying for years to hack this website to get mine taken down.
Seems like it’s only a matter of time before the Rams wash their hands of him. #SacrificialRam
Thanks, Doc. Where should I hang your med school diploma?
Whom do you mean by the “worst of society” and how do you plan on eliminating these people? Asking on behalf of your to-be-former employer. Thanks!
Miller Lite Huggins
Charlie Haze.