
Why would the brazilian government even try to pursue this further? Frankly it just makes the country look even worse and petty IMO.

Deadspin’s Philly contingent thinks Chase Utley is garbage for what it’s worth.

There is a fundamental insincerity to Lewis Hamilton that most of the greats have...

Spanish language translation errors.

It’s all Univision’s Deadspin, now.

The fox is in the henhouse!!!!!

Kindly tell me what this is doing on my Deadspin.

Nothing a new D battery can’t fix.” -Phillies fans

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

Thanks to Drew for the one hour respite ever Tuesday afternoon. Truly appreciated.

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.

Except they just aired it.

A medal isn’t certain or anything, but there’s nothing to be afraid of.

The final score would have been a nice detail.

Well researched. Well written. If your out of the job next week you should send this to Algaezeera. They’d love it.

Deadspin is exhausting these few days with the senior week random crap and this weird Olympic negativity

“That toughness comes in handy in a place like North Dakota. You see, up there, jamming your numb fingers against someone’s ice-cold helmet happens every practice. Getting decked on the cement-like dirt is just how a play ends.

I bet Riley Cooper had that ‘coon removed from the stadium.

She writes about gymnastics and Judaism at Unorthodox Gymnastics.