
So you’re just pulling consecutive stories from ESPN now? Hooray journalism!

The got who convinced people to pay $105 for $6 tickets has a real future in ticket sales. I hope they had him give a motivational speech to the attendees.

When you get a bj from Chelsea it’s considered anal. Keep that in mind.

This was unreadable, but I’m guessing the answer was more organized labor, am I right?

Well your rights end where their feelings begin, so now you’re on notice.

The popular vote is still being counted, so maybe not.

Much like baseball, crying isn’t allowed in elections either.

Mourn in your delusions that America was particularly open and tolerant to begin with.

Nice. The liberal media: not as powerful as it thought.

Given how swell a job Barry has done, not particularly.

You’re right, but the sanctity of freedom of expression is.

Because he isn’t public facing (like Rose) there likely isn’t a morality clause in his contract.

Lawyers challenged her inconsistencies, what a novel way to litigate.

So if you a black player said something to that effect about police and was suspended, you’d be okay with it, correct?

Short answer: whatever the fuck you want to. Bill Gates has done more to eradicate infectious disease that the rest of the world.

So North Carolina is a cup of coffee. Never heard that one before.

Why have the NCAA rule at all, so it can be broken? How about the school just delivers the books based on their schedules.

As they said in the intro to the game, NFL is taking concussions very seriously by doing research on helmet design. You need reps to validate that research. #nflcares

What shocks more of you: that he’s playing or that he named his son Talon? I’m in the latter camp.

Well if you don’t plan spending time in prison, the chances of a man getting raped are close to zero.