
No need to worry, we know that you’re a plastic every time that you say “Man U.”

You’re a Rays fan, and you eschewed the (much better) club across town (or actually in town) that wears a beautiful shade of blue in order to associate yourself with United? Come on, man.

I mean, really. Did the OP also buy a Yankees hat and a Cowboys jersey as well?! FOH

Or next year either.

I made a similar choice over a decade ago, although it was mostly in opposition to my friend who was an annoying Arsenal fan. Also, don’t call them Man U.

You know the score, pal! If you’re not cop, you’re little people.

Does this work for replicants though

So from this perspective, PBA cards are more a symptom of an inherently, not circumstantially, corrupt system. That’s actually pretty smart!

Everything I’ve seen says that Trump thinks of Hope Hicks like a daughter, so he’s definitely fucking her.

Sorry, I’m going to continue stacking plates wherever there’s too much plate and too little table.

If he lived in a different age, Pence would be the one holding a torch to the pyres to set the heretics alight. Different era, same exact soul.

If Tony Robbins cursed you Shallow Hal-style, Steve Bannon would look exactly like Steve Bannon.

His ankles and knees aren’t delicate enough. If he spends a few seasons out with chronic injury maybe Wenger will take notice.

I think there’s a good chance of that. One of the articles I read, and now can’t find to link to, quoted a spokesperson saying that it was a single episode related to a back injury. That sure sounds like something to do with prescription meds. Tragic.

This show is goddamn unbelievable. Thoroughly cemented itself as my favorite comedy show of the decade, absolutely no competition.

Ronan Sinatra. Keep up the good work.

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”

As of right now this sounds to me like a mental health/substance abuse thing, which means we are owed, and should expect, no explanation.

I am humbled by their bravery.
