
John Boehner is giggling at Paul Ryan right now, because he’s really, really high.

Ain’t happening this time for three reasons.

This is the stupidest example of toxic masculinity I’ve seen in a while.

But honest question, does anybody think, were this to happen that Joe Biden wouldn’t just whip the shit out of Trump? Biden is wiry and has the look of a guy that doesn’t care if he loses so much as he gets shots in on you. IE: it’s not about

I deleted my facebook account on November 9th, 2016. I’d been on it since the early days. Already by that point it had become a cesspool of fake news posts and flame wars betweeen your friends and your racist uncle. It became an echo chamber where you were team bernie, team hillary or team stupid and there was no

I did this over a year ago. I have not regretted it.

Eh, Rongen is not without his merits. And who can forget Next Goal WIns, one of the most uplifting docs about soccer you will ever see.

As a Barra Brava, I might just do that. I’d kick Brian McBride in the face but all that ever did was make him angry.

DC United supporter here. Go fuck yourselves you goofy yellow motherfuckers.

I had a ‘fair use’ issue with song lyrics in a book. I got sage advice:

You’ve got it wrong. Pop would absolutely go to the White House as the representative of the team, and he would deliver their message to Trump because Pop knows how to be an ally. Also, the day Pop is scared of a 74 year old tub of Axle grease and cheeto dust is the day I leave this planet.

Hurrr durrr, die already.

Those quiet submarines will be a game changer right up until Marco Ramius sails one up the Penobscot river and hands us the keys.

Well, the only way a Dutch person is allowed to take a silver in speed skating is if another Dutch gets gold. Bronze is called ‘the Danish Prize’ because when you come back you have to pretend you’re from the Danish Van Houtens and spend the rest of your days in Copenhavn surrounded by shorter blonds who don’t even

“Teenagers can’t legally buy guns as-is”

Here comes the hardest part as they go into a backflip-twist, butterfly kiss with hair grab, followed by a rotating 1080 post-coital snuggle.

If we have to have old white guys for president and vice, can I suggest Popovich/Hansen ‘20?

This deserves as many stars as there are NYTimes articles about why the ‘heartland’ supports Trump.

So I have a theory that when Michael is looking at the ticker and saying ‘No,no,no...’ we are supposed to think it’s Eleanor he’s concerned about. I think it’s Chidi. Pushing Eleanor toward his was meant to save Chidi, Not Eleanor who already had enough nagging self doubt to feel guilty about becoming bad Eleanor

They do this in Spain. There it’s called Padron Peppers and it’s a must for Tapas.

Okay, tha san diego one made me laugh