
"Yes, I have. That's why I can say with authority that his "destructive potential" or whatever isn't the core of the character."

You don't want a Superman movie.

And I could do without the snide arrogance of assholes like you, but I've come to expect that from Man of Steel detractors ;-)

Have you ever read the comics? Like, at all? DC hasn't been publishing 75+ years of Superman stories of him just rescuing kittens from trees, stopping natural disasters, and making little kids smile.


"Would that make Man Of Steel a more authentic-feeling Superman film? Would that be enough to repair the public’s broken hearts (and necks)?"

I think Eddie is a version of Cobalt Blue.

After last night's episode, I think Wells is Eobard Thawne AKA Prof. Zoom AKA Reverse-Flash.

My money's on Root.

Sigh. Sooner or later, it always comes down to name-calling. (We can proceed down this path if you'd like, but, please note, I cut my teeth on Usenet back in the day. It won't accomplish anything and will simply degenerate into a contest to see which one of us this site's overlords will pull the plug on first.)

Re: "good guys" and "bad guys" - I used those terms as colloquial short-hand to illustrate my point that GoT is a tragedy as opposed to traditional heroic adventure fiction (Campbell's monomyth and all that).

Eh, we're talking past each other.

He IS a piece of s***. He's just marginally less of one than some of the others around him.

Again, Jaime is a guy who attempted to murder a child to cover his own ass.

Reading through the comments, it's clear some of the people most upset about the rape are those who were rooting for Jaime as a sympathetic anti-hero.