
You will and will not be playing Fappy Bird but we won't know until we observe you.

Remind me of this.

None of the key points you mentioned happened at any of the times you specified.

I still want an explanation on where the matter came from.

I guess that makes it

Sounds pretty amazing.

"I mean....uh, what surveillance??"

Oh, man, I hate gold disk! It is worthless and difficult to work with.

Missed this one :

Flawless victory

pimp'n with those dice handing in the cockpit

You're comparing and conflating something that was said by the GOP the first days the website was supposed to launch with the status of the website nearly 3 months later. Not a single person is currently asserting that they still have under 1000 subscribers. Why the need to put a spin on the issue and try to

Your upside to this fiasco is that there were more than 1000 identities to steal? That is some spin you're deploying there.

...and the endgame of nuclear storage (they're going to make a crap load of money):

Ya, pretty sure it's just an alien version of Ashton Kutcher just screwing with us.

I like how the one in the background gives zero fucks throughout this whole thing.
