Daoine Sídhe

If a man can’t get a date it’s because women feel there’s something off or creepy about him. Fat guys, short guys, bald guys, old guys, etc. still manage to find women. After all, most women don’t look like supermodels. They can’t get tall, handsome guys because for many women good looking guys are out of their

The meme does not imply that. You chose to infer that. Because you are a troll, a mess, or 13.

1. I’m a guy and never at any point thought it would be smart to challenge this quote or whatever it is you’re doing because I see enough truth in it to leave it be.

Let’s also not forget that often women who kill men are killing their abusers.

According to the FBI, of women who were homicide victims in 2010, 37.5% were killed by romantic partners. That doesn’t mean that a woman is likely to be killed by a man, but those numbers are enough to make most women wary of men in the context of relationships.

I am a male, and in all fairness, I have to advise you to suck it up and grow a pair. It’s this kind of perceived victimhood that causes the hostility.

Fact of the matter is, men don’t treat women as equals. They still treat women as play things and someone to take care of all the shitty chores. Women are slowly moving away from a life where they have to be shackled to some dude and baby, work for eight hours, take care of dude/baby, and always put everyone else

Socio-economic status has nothing to do with it. He felt he was owed something and blamed his behavior on her.

A pizza delivery guy apparently mistook my good tips and kind words for some kind of invitation and would show up at my house with free food and drinks when I hadn’t ordered anything.

Dude just stop. Only a whiny little boy can’t face the cold hard truth of our gender- we have a large, long, and statistically verified history of violence against women we’re attracted to. Women don’t. It’s us. Our problem. Sitting here thinking the stupid things you do is cowardly. A grown adult acknowledges the

Aw, shit yeah, bro! Not all men! You’re so brave!

Don’t forget to dismiss all the #NotAllMen morons who will inevitably reply to you.

It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.

Will this never cease to be the truth??

To be fair, I am a man and I am also afraid that men will kill me. I sometimes wonder what the fuck is wrong with my sex.

Men are murdered at a much higher rate than women.

Usually by other men. I’d be curious to know how many men are killed by a former or current partner of a woman they’re involved with. I think the main point is that, while men are more likely to be the victims of murder, women are more likely to be killed by a man that they are or have been intimately involved with

And yet, I have seen more than once, a man’s response to the Atwood quote be: “sure killing is bad, but being laughed at is a really serious thing that men fear.”

I’ll never forget when I was dating this man three years ago and one day he proceeded to get strangely aggressive toward me and controlling. I looked him in the eye, tried my best not to look scared and proceeded as normal with cooking, and he backed off of his “weird mood.” But I felt like I escaped something. Then