
I think when Effie was laughing so hard at the screening, she was laughing at how horrible it turned out. She was probably embarrassed that her name was in it. Matt Damon, in his last phone call to Jason basically told him that he failed, the movie sucks and he has no sense of character development, but he did it the

As bad as the movie turned out, people of color should be happy the weren't prominently featured in this one.

Nice interview. I like how he says he's artistically driven and not into the commercialization. Great when you're making your shorts for film festivals and YouTube, but irresponsible when someone gives you a crew and a three million dollar budget. Jason was determined to not compromise on his artistic vision and

Then it goes straight to video.

They keep choosing people destined to fail. Didn't Wes Craven hate the script for "Feast"? They hired FX guys to make "Shaker Heights". Jason wasn't funny and showed open contempt for the original script, so let's hire him!

The producers needed to set some boundaries and remind him he's an employee of HBO, hired to make a good film. That $3M budget wasn't his to spend however he wanted. They should have told him he's going to use digital. They should have picked the locations for him when he couldn't decide. Even the head HBO guy never

If that's how a big chunk of the potential audience is going to end up watching the film then you've got to deal with it. A good story is a good story on IMAX or an iPad.

The film was doomed when Jason said the words "I want to shoot film". It said instantly he cared more about the process than the story. A good filmmaker can shoot a compelling story on an iPhone, a bad one passes up two extra days of shooting to satisfy his inner film snob. Jason doesn't get it and I don't know if he