
Ah there it is, and no you haven't. Opinions DO NOT carry equal weight as facts. Facts are indisputable, even if you don't agree with them. Opinions are never true or false. And all I have to do is click you name to read your posts. You claim Sherlock is an ass and that no one would like him. I like him, am I no one?

It says I have a new reply from you but it wont show up. If you can't comprehend what I'm saying then this discussion is absolutely pointless.

I have read your posts to other people. They're full of exactly what pisses me off about people when judging ANYTHING: claiming your opinions are correct, and therefore them making what you like superior.

By the way, "ob·jec·tive
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts."

I can't see anything else you said besides this (or my own comments to you), but again, I don't care if that's your opinion, or other's opinions. They're opinions, not facts, not truths. What part of "I want someone to compare these shows objectively" did you fail to comprehend?

To Anthony:

Well apparently my reply to you has been deleted, and as it was quite long I'm not going to bother re-typing it. But in summary, your observation was wrong. They show plenty of reasons as to why the two become friends, and just because you don't understand or agree with it doesn't make it an invalid form of

I don't give a damn what people prefer. I'm sick of the comparisons being based on "I like this better", and that goes both ways. Judge based on the elements of the shows, not "I personally like this style of story telling better, so that makes it better." No it fuckin' doesn't. And here you are doing the same thing.

"On Elementary, Holmes is engaged in the slow, painful process of accepting that those “idiots” might have something to teach him. The former has its moments, but the latter makes for better television and more rewarding art."