
I keep reading, and hearing, everybody talking about the mid-terms in two years and the next election in four years, or even how, in the freaking 2030s, when the demographics change, the left will get back into power. The problem with all this is that everybody’s assuming there will be a Left left in the2030's, or

Ashley, I know you probably take a lot of shit over your work here, so I wanted to tell you I have started to deliberately check Deadspin when something like this breaks, knowing that your article will both appropriately reinforce my horror and commiserate with it. You’re great. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise

I am not bleeding from my eyes, I’m bleeding from my wherever.

Said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a

All the assholes who KNEW Trump would fix the economy... well, what are your thoughts now?

“Step right up kids! Who wants a ladle of hot soup?”

It’s become a groupthink echo chamber, like Breitbart for the far left. I’m a godless pinko liberal myself, but extremism of any sort, left or right, is noxious and easily dismissed, betraying the very causes they purport to endorse.

At the same time, these hot takes deny the ability for fiction to demonstrate a negative situation and show the viewer what to avoid. You know, like all great sci-fi.

It’s fucked that you felt the need to write this.

The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

Let me knows what he thinks about that once he sobers up.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

Tiffany : Dad, can I stand with you on stage?

Let’s zoom in a little bit....wait...WHAT IS THAT!?!?!

I think the most obvious way to “enhance” a photo of Cruz would be to remove him from it

I have mixed feelings. Seeing that bear walking around on two legs scared the shit out of me. It’s like Skynet becoming self-aware.