FTL Diesel

The red zone has always been for loading and unloading of passengers. There's never stopping in a white zone.

I agree with your general point, but just as a nit-pick, both George Bushes are from New England. They just live in Texas now.

You took the box? Let's see what's in the box!

And if you're going down to Las Campanas Observatory, remember Sunday night is empanada night!

Two quatloos on the females!

'Liked' just for the Sledge Hammer reference.

To your first point, I've always wondered: everyone from the future tells Sheridan not to go to Z'ha'dum, but what alternate set of events are they hoping for? In the "real" timeline, B5 doesn't get destroyed by a Shadow attack, the good guys win the war, Sheridan lives to a (relatively) ripe old age, and everyone

Yeah, B4 was apparently a little longer and supposed to hold 2x the population of B5. See:


It did always really bother me that the "Great War" lasted for … about a year? Admittedly the show needed to cycle around and get to the EA civil war in season 5 (as originally intended, I mean), but I always thought something called the Great War should have lasted for longer than ~12 months.

No, the worst.

No, the worst.