
I absolutely hated it when this ass hat showed up on CNN to defend trump. I found his opinions to be loathsome, and I thought for sure he was just one of those “in it for the money” trump defenders. But, now if all of this bares out to be true, it appears his actual character is foul to the core. Good riddance.

Yah, that really gets me too. worst case scenario, horrible miss-understanding, on par with like when you congratulate someone on their pregnancy, and they aren’t pregnant, ooooops... best case scenario, maybe in some sort of conspiracy world, he deserved it and she’s completely in the right, and saved us all... i

Unsurprisingly, they are really reaching for that charge. Honestly, North Collins St (aka HWY 157) might have been a Highway back in the 50's, but it’s really just a street with lights every few blocks. It’s pretty wide in that particular area, because of the two stadiums, but it’s no highway. There are a bunch of

The NRA suggested he’d be alive if he had a gun in the house, I’m going to skip past any thought that the NRA cares about black people, but could you imagine if they found both a typical amount of weed, AND a gun? HEADLINE: Cop “accidentally” shoots drug dealer! For me, the most important two takeaways from this

That really pisses me off. I walk into the wrong house, shoot an innocent person to death, I doubt that Id get the benefit of not being questioned and interviewed. Being allowed 24 hours to meet with my reps and lawyers to concoct some sort of story first. What kind of bullshit is this? I doubt they’ve drug tested

I like how in one second she’s stone faced, and then while saying “you don’t support my views”, etc is virtually smiling. OK, wink wink nudge nudge I believe you, you racist nazi saluting POS.

I’m not going to speak for the author, but what does being an “authority” have anything to do with anything? The leading authorities in sciences say global climate change is real, yet the Republican Party doesn’t listen. This is an opinion piece. It’s his opinion. And he has the authority to state his opinion. I’d

I’m so sick of that pro gun argument, by “patriots”. I wish I had taken a picture of this truck in-front of me, which had all these “patriotic” bumper stickers like “I STAND for the flag”.... and then a rather large Texas Secede sticker also... just no arguing with stupid. 

lol. “I could easily refute every point made in this article”... and doesn’t. 

Not just “that” coupon, but an even more pejorative “her precious coupons”. And... I’m sorry, but if you’re reaching out for people to help prove that you’re not a Racist (which you are btw), maybe skip the guy named Josiah... I mean, I’m not saying everyone named Josiah is a racist, buuuuuut... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ...probab

I wish River City Ransom was one of the 30 games.