For the exhaust note

Seriously I don’t understand how they managed to get so little out of a 1.4 turbo engine...

Jokes on them, I watched both BvS and Justice league in multiple sittings. I can only take bad movies for so long until I need to do something that doesn't suck, like going to the dentist, or whatever

After all this hit, I looked up his filmography,he’s been in one movie I’ve seen and it was Entourage. Needless to say I can't tell you what part he played at all.

I talked to my mom, I am a 5th cousin 3times removed from her.

Not that I know of, I'm not even sure how I'm related, I just know she's on the tree that my mom made on ancestry.

At least they weren't hung for sodomy, gotta look on the bright side!

He has definitely learned his lesson now right?right? Oh 

Thanks for the support Cuz! Your stay is free!

Yeah, well somebody should prove that, oh wait they tried and failed!

If you're doing creepy b&b correctly not only did you hear them but saw them through the eyes of that creepy painting hanging on the wall

Good thing George Washington and Abraham Lincoln weren't spineless cowards like these wimps. One fought in a war doing what he thought was right for the people the other paid with his life because he did what he thought was right. How far politicians have fallen

As a relative of Ms Lizzie Borden, I believe I should just be given this house free of charge!

I will gladly follow our new funfetti overlords

Hi, still never watched an episode, victoria seems like one of those friends/more than friends that is just exhausting to have

Idaho apparently has their own net neutrality rule, which is probably why the company backed down and is now only blocking for people who request it be blocked.

I’m not sure this makes me feel better or worse...but thanks?

It's the obvious thing to do, which probably explains why GM hasn't done it

The last two times I’ve been to BK I waited for 15 min and 10 min conservatively. Was it busy? No it was approximately 3pm both times and I was the only one inside both times. Busy drive thru? Not that I saw but the first place I waited at the counter for 3-5 min before anybody talked to me. Maybe it was what I

Isn't that the first thing that should be asked if you're a journalist? Even if you want to be diplomatic, it's easy to ask 'what's the title of your album mean?'

Somebody let that guy ejaculate inside of them...