Go back to your safespace and stay there, pussy.
Go back to your safespace and stay there, pussy.
Damn snowflake. Go back to your little liberal LA.
Go back to your safespace, pussy.
Go back to your honda 1320 safespace, pussy.
Go back to your honda 1320 safespace, pussy. I bet you’re one of those fags that think track racing is for wimps.
Go back to your honda 1320 safespace, pussy. I bet you’re one of those fags that think track racing is for wimps.
Go back to your kiddie Honda safespace, pussy.
Neck yourself my man
kys my man
Neck yourself.
Go back into your safespace, pussy.
>V6 Camaro
Go back to your safespace, pussy.
Delete your account hillary shill
Coming from the liberal who thinks that stance is accepted, eh? Once again, go back to your safespace, pussy.
Go back to your safespace, pussy.
Go back to your safespace, pussy.
Aw, namecalling. The liberal can act like a ten-year-old too. Awww wanna widdle boddle, kid?