Thank you baby Jesus, and Gizmodo. As much as I love this site, I was starting to avoid it because of that layout. Now, lets stop putting up those 1 sentence articles that link to other sites for the complete story. Thank you :)
Thank you baby Jesus, and Gizmodo. As much as I love this site, I was starting to avoid it because of that layout. Now, lets stop putting up those 1 sentence articles that link to other sites for the complete story. Thank you :)
@Sublethalend: OK!
maybe best buy are a bunch of greedy f—ks?
Looks more like a someone leaning back with their dong in the air.
On another note, cat harnesses at 0:03 & 0:37. WTF!
@dueceswild: crab people.
so are you Adams gonna buy an Adam (if there is a Honeycomb update)?
@daPrinz: or instead of waiting, just head on over to xda and help yourself.
now let us adjust the level of 3D like in the 3DS. jk.
Does a Jesus Phone Make Any Sense?
..bus stop gangs. :(
Such swiping reminds me of cute little kitties.
"Apple is a cyclical creature, like bears, unicorns and ladyfolk."
This Sucks :(
@archercc: Also, add Samsung to that list please.
Giz, I like this (I am talking about the title).
13. Buy new clothes, try new styles.
I(We?) dont want no stickin 3D on Giz!
@jepzilla: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
@jepzilla: Ok, what came first, the Chicken or the Egg?