
“I just wanted to create dialogue on the topic” is the new version of “But I have black friends”...In addition:

If you need to apologize for shit, own it and be sincere. “If anyone was offended” is always just a bunch of passive aggressive bullshit that instantly tells me the person is being made to say sorry while taking the least amount of responsibility.

Nonsense is one word, 45.

I stand corrected.

Also, he regrets YOUR feelings, which apparently are the problem, not his actions. Jesus fuck. Fuck him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.


What an asshole. And he’s calling us folk hateful? Fool.

And he’s adding to that toxicity. For profit.

You know what? He can just miss me with that mess.

White people do the most during Black History Month. I mean, VP thanked a white man on the first day of BHM. This shit is standard.

“I regret if anyone was offended by my choice of metaphors but...”

“I regret if anyone was offended by my choice of metaphors but my intention was to focus on the protesters being hateful and to open up a dialogue on this point.”

I feel like this should be a “Cards against Humanity” card.

Clueless white boy trying to get a clue here! Until this article, I’ve never seen that photo or even heard of Ruby Bridges. That is an incredible story and an even more incredible photo.

What’s more: even the ones that aren’t offensive just aren’t funny. At all.

Broken clock and all that.

Stopped clocks and all...

I have nothing to add.

Actually, I have one thing to add.


The cartoons is ridiculous, the comparison is ridiculous, his thoughts are childish but