
I was with you until you got to this part;

Republicans seem to be determined to eradicate common sense from our society.

Goodlatte, by way, is the same dude whose staffers were working with the Trump Admin on the Islamophobic travel ban without his knowledge.

Very important that he has a gun. Less important that he has access to mental health resources. Yes this is the GOP logic.

people with a severe mental illness who can’t hold any kind of job or make any decisions about their affairs

You can put real links into Kinja. Donating to the NAACP is always good, but I also have the feeling the Constitution is going to need a lot of defending in the coming months.

Upside, my stocks in bullet proof vests are going to go through the roof.

It’s super fucking great to know that my mentally handicapped brother with anger issues retains the right to own a gun. Nothing can possibly go wrong with that.

Which is why black folks should donate to the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund at naacpldf (dot) org

The ACLU is for the constitution. That’s their only focus. That means they’ll defend the Klan’s right to free speech and a homosexual’s right to get married.

In Texas, so many republicans were genuinely fearful Clinton would take guns away. Nothing I said, showed or asked could dissuade them. These are the idiots who are 100% happy about this.

I dread how this will play out. Self-defense, the “he was much bigger than me” (remember that cop from Ferguson who TMed that when he was an inch shorter than Brown) defense. All bullshit. I hope McKnight’s family gets the justice they deserve and that this won’t drag out the pain they are experiencing.

A Golf GTI was a really sporty car with 110hp :D

Not disappointing, since the Demon is actually wide enough to accommodate the massive tires it needs to put all that power down.

I like the way you think.

A 230HP Corvette was a major ass-kicker. And we were GRATEFUL!

THAT is the awesome world we live in. 757 HP is disappointing.

I think the license plate are torque numbers. Here’s why:

Why not drop a supercharged viper engine in it? I’m sure that thing can handle some boost

No kidding. I remember being afraid that Arnold wanted to change the rules so he could run for president. Now I WISH we had Arnie in the White House compared to this lunatic.