
Please promise me that if Cali succeeds that they take Las Vegas with them. Please don’t leave us behind. We turned the whole state blue!

The race to the bottom continues. Come move to the west coast everyone. It’s great, we have weed and tacos.

Holy crap, I just had an idea. Everyone needs to start watching The Apprentice immediately. Organize it through social media. Give Arnold 2x the ratings Trump had. It would be like giving Trump a permanent ingrown toenail.

Like, Tamron is the black Mary Tyler Moore. Who can turn the world on with her smile? Tamron fuckin’ Hall, that’s who. Girl’s got more charisma than she knows what to do with.

Y’all, this some bullshit.

Intelligent anchors being replaced with Republicon Pravda. My guess is that Joy Reid is going to scaled back in the coming weeks. Maybe Olbermann can convince GQ to hire more journalists who have been downsized or let go since the Obama administration.

I want her snapped up soon or I will be pissed!

Tamron is a first ballot HOF anchor. Never one to take sass off any interview subject. Quick to come with facts. MSNBC, y’all crapped the bed on this one.

Like the fascists they are. The Republicons changed the rules to move their own radical agenda forward.

The hardest part will come in the next 4 (or 8, or more) years when I have to explain this to my children. When I have to see the look on their faces, the vague recognition of what it means being raised under this kleptocracy/autocracy, under the unchecked power and despotism of an unmitigated sociopath.

He’ll just be keeping the seat warm for that young upstart Frederick Douglass!

Yeah, but this guy wants you to Cut That Zero, so maybe he’s not a Trump fan.

Someone read a piece from a Wagner opera.

Yes, he did.

Fun fact: my friends who do analytics for political campaigns tell me a very large percentage of poll respondents who claim to be black Republicans are simply lying. They amuse themselves by looking up these people’s Facebooks and such and it’s very commonly a white person who’s just trolling the pollster.

He received over 90% of The Blacks. Alternative statistics.

Hey, if it was good enough for Brezhnev..............

I’ll be happy if we just have another election again.

I really don’t understand why the press isn’t properly trolling and baiting him, as he’ll fall for the hook every single time. Why not ask a question like “do you think there were a significant amount of African-Americans among the millions you claimed voted illegally in the past election?”, then sit back and watch

Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more

I mean, seriously, why did they even need a poet for the inauguration?