
1/9 men will develop prostate cancer, and nearly 30,000 will die from it (compared to 40,000 for breast cancer) but breast cancer recieves nearly twice the funding.

that gets MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars of support.

what about prostate cancer? it’s basically as deadly and widespread as breast cancer, maybe even more(one study found that almost half of men aged greater than 60 years had prostate cancer and some estimates say 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with PC in their lifetime) but there is way less focus on that than on breast

Forgive my cynicism, because this is obviously a nice gesture regardless, but it’d be nice if for once these large corporations would spare some money for other illnesses. Breast cancer is severely over-represented when it comes to fundraising efforts, largely because it’s such an easy thing to market - “save the

Which is why I was rooting for Harvey and now Irma.... I am not rooting for death, do not get me wrong, but for the overwhelming majority of white people in TX, FL, GA and other places (may be even the US economy), to hit rock bottom. Repealing DACA, criminal justice reforms, rolling back voting rights protections

Good, we’re glad you left. If you’re gonna play a team game and then not play for the team then why are you playing the game in the first place? Overwatch in particular is a game that stresses team play over individual action with an emphasis on adaptation via counter picking. If you were the type of player who

They do deserve the hate. In a game of counter picks, everyone will change heroes except Hanzo mains. SURE, they will tell you they will switch, and if they do at best they will switch to Widow. All they want to play is a sniper in a game of +20 heroes. They can be the greatest shot in the world, but 9/10 they are no

In other words, he lost his courage to easily find the “good” kills that happen to be plentiful in NYC (and would probably shove that baby sword up his ass) and is now making up shit to cover for the fact that he cowardly stabbed an elderly homeless name in the back.

No they won’t.. it will stay at manslaughter.. because every time “other people” (read white) commit acts labeled as terrorist, it weakens their argument that all the problems are caused by “those people” (read: black/brown people and/or Muslim).. I suspect it won’t even be manslaughter.. they will most likely claim

Why not just give money? The argument against it is just ‘they’ll only blow that money on booze, tobacco and lottery tickets’ but whenever people are actually given money, that doesn’t seem to happen in reality. It’s just a convenient stereotype, that poor people are irresponsible and that’s why they’re poor.

It is important to point out that UBI is generally seen not as “in addition to” the programs you mention, but “in replacement of” those programs. What is more, by most studies UBI would be cheaper and more effective.

The counter argument to a minimum basic income is mass graves. We all know exactly which one America will choose first.

That’s not a minimum basic income, that’s welfare and it doesn’t actually cover all of one’s basic needs. Furthermore, states have been using the people who receive these benefits as a wedge to lower labor costs by using these people to do work that they should be hiring people at a proper wage to do.

When I worked in direct service, part of that included helping people apply for benefits and cash assistance programs. These were mostly people of color coming out of the prison system so they had charges on their record - making it more difficult to secure any type of job. So I saw firsthand how difficult it was to

We need to start talking about a minimum basic income at this rate. It is looking increasingly likely that there are simply going to be more people than jobs and we cannot have an economy where people are making no money and can’t take care of their basic needs.

Very interesting and timely article, Maya. I don’t think people realize how beneficial the social safety net is because of the myth that beneficiaries are lazy. And we all know that that gets translated. Many people, especially people of color, don’t make enough of a living wage to cover the full cost of living. The