
Yes. When your reaction to the revelation that an accusation of rape turns out to be untrue is disappointment then you need to rescrew your head.

Right. And also, they cannot act as a de-fact legal system. We have one of those, and schools need to leave crime to the criminologists, judges, and juries.

No shit, Professor Einstein.

“People get so into picking apart the individual instances that they can’t see the forest for the trees.”

The narrative is that colleges don’t take rape seriously, and that the victims aren’t adequately protected by school administration. If Rolling Stone and the producers of Hunting Ground can’t find any cases where that truly happens, maybe the narrative is wrong.

It will be such a great day for women when they get to participate in state-sanctioned killing. I hope that women can soon equal men in their lower life expectency and greater participation in crime, especially violent crime. Maybe one day we can even figure out a way for women to get prostate cancer. That will mean

In other words, Uncle Sam is rapidly running out of male bodies willing to stop bullets in perpetual wars for the wealthy to remain so. Since women are willing to do, why not let them? More war profiteering for us patriotic ‘Muricans, and the wimmins get to prove that they are equal to the task of being killed in

Jarheads? Please watch your microaggressions! If you are not in/were a member of the military you have no right using that word!

I don’t know. Is winning women an equal right to kill innocent kids in foreign countries really that great of a moral victory? I guess. ok.