Frumious Bandersnatch

Oooh! Maybe they'll un-cancel that Mockingbird Lane affair!

True, but it could be a fresh new suck with an edge that polls well with males 18-49!

For some reason, I want to add The Company of Wolves, but I can't recall a scene off the top of my head that could serve as proof. Odd, that. That may not be an impulse I want to indulge, when I should just be happy to see Near Dark mentioned anywhere, ever.

Great, now I wanna dig out the Planescape set. And then find a reasonably amusing and competent group. Thanks for that, Circle.

Well thanks, Commander Keen. Now I wanna go watch "Hell In The Pacific" again.


Or flaming blood that your idiot tank keeps losing aggro on, while a stretchy arm is off strangling the shammie heals that only two DPS are paying attention to, but are somehow still undergeared...

Ooh, the whole whale thing! That little whale hunt really had some effects that RIPPLEd through time.

Maybe it's more of a Thunderbird of Prey.

Suddenly, I think my twentieth may be worth stopping by for a bit.

Ooh, good point. But perhaps it could have led to some quality Oedipal endeavor...

It was the old wireframe Star Wars game for my father and I. I still have this memory of him cackling in the arcade when I blew up the Death Star for the first time at age three or four.

We all should just start our own support group.

Raines, is that you?

Me not make to bottom of scrolly, but me think maybe did do some severe mental damage to me.

Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck...

It really is surprisingly good, particularly after drinking the original for years as the "plastic jug you keep around to dissuade company from getting too drunk" bottle.

Ooh! Story time!

Same here. It is damned centering, ain't it?