Frumious B

Grits are mostly there to provide a backdrop flavor for the stuff you put in the grits themselves. It’s like pasta in that regard. I want my grits to taste like something - bacon or butter or cheese or shrimp or whatever - more so than have a strong flavor of their own right. Even breakfast grits tend to taste some

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I was wondering if you would bring up the arrangement from Konami’s perfect selection series.

Oh, I’m poor as fuck and I would trade with Oprah in a hot minute.

“The world is changing and I’m not at the center of it anymore make it stop!”

Of the three, Cash was the only one working under his birth name, unlike those other two counterfeits.


This is the plan this star chamber of dimwits could come up with to maintain power? The GOP was like, “instead of revamping our platform to be less economically destructive, sexist and racist, let’s do something silly to shave off votes from Biden.” This is like the Man’s plot from a blaxploitation parody. Let’s not


he would be at least verbally attacking mega church preachers for using him to make themselves millionaires

Jesus was a Klingon? 

“No Russians” my ass, I saw that guy vomiting in Chestnut Hill last week!

Hardly. Whiteness as a racial concept barely existed before that anywhere on the globe. You need to do some research about “race” and the beginnings of categorization. It’s only about 500 years old, and that’s being very generous.

Clearly, Jesus, like all ethnic Jews, was the race any given person felt hadn’t earned what it had and deserved to be dispossessed and either expelled or murdered. Schrodinger’s ethnicity, essentially, simultaneously every race someone wants in the gas chamber.

What you are referring to that the ‘historians agree’ upon is that there were a number of rebels, prophets and teachers through the ages that through stories and myths became the “historical Jesus.”

You mean that northern Mediterranean people can be white?  Good news for Italian immigrants in the 1920s!

No the romans were not “white”at least by non-modern standards. Italians and the Irish have only been “white” for less than a century.

It’s official! The PS3 has won the console war! Suck it 360 n00bs!

“Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood” lol. Sounds like my friend’s 6-year-old’s “Super Club for Cool Dudes” with its own club-house (backyard tool shed) and everything.

Or maybe there was an anthro version of Einstein. Who Knows?

Im not sure japan (not known for its progressivism) taking a world populated entirely with animal pilots only and plopping in a black person in that world as if they are interchangeable is the progressive message you think it is. They’re literally categorizing black people as they do animals.  Correct me if there is