the Pod Save America boys, who are definitively the biggest chodes in the world of podcasting.
the Pod Save America boys, who are definitively the biggest chodes in the world of podcasting.
Man I can’t wait to see the DSCC come after him with all the fury they bring against all of the AOC style challengers. I wonder who he’ll use since they’re going to freeze out any vendors or consultants who help primary Democrats. Because they're certainly going to do that here, and it's totally not just something to…
They skipped a generation between I and II.
People have birthdays on 9/11. Are they no longer allowed to celebrate on their birthday? Should we go Jewish on the day and turn it into a day of somber reflection and absolutely nothing else, aka a Yom Kippur for all of us?
IDGAF if she was dancing on 9/11, if shit’s so serious make it a damn holiday where we all sit at home and be sad. It’s been almost twenty years, unless you were personally affected by the event it’s time to move on.
Aaron McGruder’s back? IN! That last season was TERRIBLE.
Weirdos who never get laid tend to have strong opinions about sex.
I have a ‘computer nerd genius’ friend. The mentality that makes him great at programming makes him hopeless in other aspects of life. Applying ‘rigorous logic’ to everything can lead you down some pretty deep rabbit holes. I’ve seen him doggedly follow a train of reasoning and conclude: ‘Nazis flew flying saucers in…
We had the opportunity to move to America about 10 years ago for work, and didn’t even seriously consider going. The two main reasons were the lack of gun control (cops carrying side arms is bad enough, but civilians with guns is insane) and - top reason to say say No - the (lack of a) health care system. Add in the…
It is interesting to see how dystopian American has become. I’m pretty sure I saw a Sci-Fi movie about this not too long ago. Where the powers that be cut off the air supply to the angry citizens on Mars. Or was that a Western where the mill owner cut off credit at the mill store to spite uppity staff? or was it…
People love their feudal lords employers so much! The serf-lord employee-employer relationship is sacred! It’s a shame that the slaves workers are disrupting that most beautiful of human ties. They must be punished.
He seems to love concentrating people he doesn’t like into camps of various natures. Immigrants, homeless, you name it.
Between this and the optimizations that have to happen, I’m actually quite glad they decided to beta test the game with a large group of people before releasing it on April 13, 2020.
Good thing that I still need to play BL 1 & 2 first.
No street-certified miscreant is walking around Delaware carrying a straight razor.
Yeah, that’s a big reason why i cant get into the furry thing, I personally hate mascots and find them a bit unsettling. And it’s always that look combined with anime eyes
In a nutshell; because Disney.
So long as they stick to the complete vision including the exile, I’ll be their showrunner. I’m a famous game show host, how can they go wrong?